Habits Quiz:
Exploring Your Lifestyle Choices
Are you curious to learn more about yourself and what your daily habits reveal about your personality and well-being?
We often go about our routines on autopilot, with limited awareness of how our habits impact us.
Take the first step towards a deeper understanding of yourself by exploring your coping mechanisms and discovering whether certain behaviours may be affecting your health and overall well-being.
Please select the areas you actively engage in from the list below:
Please select at least one category complete all fields
Please select at least one category.
I find temporary relief or pleasure from exercise.
My exercise habits could have long-term negative effects if I don't stop.
I struggle to reduce excessive exercise despite trying.
I prioritise exercise over other important activities.
I've experienced injuries or health issues from overexercising.
On a scale of 1-5, I feel anxious or irritable when missing a workout.
Engaging in money or wealth-related activities provides transient pleasure or release.
Some of my financial habits may lead to long-term adverse outcomes.
Previous attempts to control my financial habits have failed.
I frequently spend money on non-essential items, even if I can't afford them.
I have neglected bills or financial responsibilities due to excessive spending.
On a scale of 1-5, I feel guilty or ashamed about my spending habits.
Participating in gambling activities usually excites me.
My gambling may lead to long-term negative effects if unchanged.
Despite wanting to quit gambling, I've been unsuccessful.
I've lied about my gambling time or spending.
I've borrowed money or sold possessions to gamble.
On a scale of 1-5, I feel distressed during gambling cravings.
Gaming or video game playing momentarily fulfils or pleases me.
My gaming or video game playing may have negative effects on the long term if I don't change.
I have attempted to change my gaming habits, but I keep falling into old patterns.
I prioritise gaming over my work, school, or social obligations.
I have experienced strained relationships with family or friends due to my gaming habits.
On a scale of 1-5, I experience withdrawal symptoms or mood swings when unable to play games.
Seeking romantic relationships inherently excites me.
Some of my relationship habits may lead to long-term negative consequences if unchanged.
Despite attempts to control obsessive relationship behaviours, I've been unsuccessful.
I prioritise romantic relationships over other important aspects of my life.
I've remained in unhealthy or toxic relationships despite knowing they're harmful.
On a scale of 1-5, I experience intense jealousy or possessiveness in relationships.
Engaging in sexual activities briefly fulfils or pleases me.
My sexual activities may result in negative outcomes if I continue.
I tried creating healthier sexual habits, but I have been unable to.
I engage in risky sexual behaviours despite knowing the consequences.
I have experienced negative effects on my mental or physical health due to sexual activities.
On a scale of 1-5, I feel a compulsive need to seek out sexual experiences.
Indulging in impulsive spending intrinsically pleases me.
My impulsive spending habits may lead to long-term negative effects if continued.
I've tried cutting back on excessive shopping, but quitting has been difficult.
I frequently shop to cope with stress or negative emotions.
I have faced significant financial consequences due to compulsive shopping.
On a scale of 1-5, I feel guilty or ashamed after impulsive purchases.
Using social media or the internet provides me with a form of release, pleasure, or distraction.
My current social media or internet use may lead to long-term negative effects if unchanged.
I've tried to reduce my social media usage, but I've struggled to quit or limit it.
I prioritise social media over in-person interactions with friends, family or my partner.
I suspect my mental well-being may be impacted by my internet or social media usage.
On a scale of 1-5, I feel anxious or stressed without access to social media.
Engaging with food, drinking and other substances momentarily soothes or pleases me.
Some of my substance-related activities may lead to long-term consequences if continued.
I've unsuccessfully attempted to modify or stop substance-related behaviours.
I use food, drinks or other substances to cope with emotional pain or stress.
Friends or family have expressed concern about my substance use.
On a scale of 1-5, I feel distressed during substance cravings.
My work provides me with satisfaction or pleasure.
My work habits are likely to negatively impact my life if I don't change.
I've made efforts to decrease my work hours or workload, but changing my work habits has been challenging.
I regularly work long hours to the detriment of my personal life or at times my health.
I have experienced drops in productivity, mood swings or health issues due to work-related stress.
On a scale of 1-5, I find it difficult to relax or switch off from work even during leisure time.